November 26, 2023
Dear friends,
Imagine it is spring 2025
Tucked in your blanket, trying to sleep at night, your mind travels back five years.
You remember the fear — fearing doorknobs, grocery bags, light switches, sneezes, handshakes and hugs.
You remember the sadness — the loss of freedom, time with colleagues, birthday parties, sleepovers, visits to the mall.
You remember the anger — anger at human greed, irrationality, willful ignorance.
You remember the grief — sobbing at the loss of fellow beings who breathed their last breath alone in an ICU to the sound of a ventilator.
But it's not all negative.
You remember the love — sticking hearts on the windows, spending quality time with loved ones.
You remember the kindness — making small sacrifices, giving an extra tip, supporting those struggling.
You remember the gratitude — grateful for the gift of food, deep breath, and togetherness.
You remember the meaning – coming closer as a family, choosing to forgive, working on personal wellbeing.
Coming back to today
COVID-19 is one of the worst threats our world has seen. It has disrupted our lives, finances, freedom, relationships and a sense of security. It has brought loneliness, furloughs and job losses. No one knows when this will end. Are we looking at a second wave, a third wave, a fourth wave? How can you calm your mind, let alone feel upbeat?
Here are three thoughts shared as three steps.
Once your brain fills with these uplifting feelings, fear and anger slowly fade. They are still there, but no longer dominate your thought flow.
With repeated practice, the feelings you nurture start multiplying. Thus, the more you focus on compassion, gratitude and meaning, the bigger space they occupy in your brain's real estate.
Acknowledge your fear and convert it into proactive actions that help you secure safety. Once you have done that, embrace the splendor of the present and fill it with uplifting thoughts and perceptions.
On a peaceful night in spring 2025, tucked in your blanket, when you will think about this day in 2020, you might remember the fear and sadness, but I hope you will quickly move to love and kindness. You will turn on your side, smile and lose yourself into the world of your dreams.
Take care.
Resilient Option is a digital version of Dr. Sood's Stress Management and Resiliency Training (SMART) program.
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